Everyone has their limits and a roach practically tap dancing on top of a Taco Bell bag is this man’s.

A mechanic posted a TikTok of a car a customer had brought in that completely repulsed him. Listen, nobody’s perfect. If you’re getting your car fixed, what’s so wrong with the odd fast food wrapper and soda can? Yet, the car in question is a monstrosity of its own.

A mountain of trash in the back is the setting for what appears to be a family reunion of roaches. You barely see the floor with the amount of receipts, wrappers, and plastic bottles all jostling around.

“How do you let your car get like this? I SAT IN THIS CAR (for a few seconds) I swear I can feel the roaches on me,” his caption reads.

What’s concerning is that the owner of the car knew they were getting their car checked out and proceeded to not do anything about the trash heap piled in the backseat.

The comments agreed that this vehicle is a certifiable biohazard. The garage worker is there to change your oil or tell you why your car’s making that scratching noise—not be subjected to a real-life reenactment of A Bug’s Life